Our Minister
Mike has been our minister since July 2020
Hi, I’m Michael, Mike for short, the community Minister at the Baptist Church here in Long Eaton.
I moved to Long Eaton in July 2020 from Calverton in Nottinghamshire, where I had lived and ministered for the past 12 years. Prior to that I lived in South Wales, where I was born.
I left work in 2008 to go to Theology College in Cardiff. Before that I worked for 20 years in industry, first as a technician, then an engineer and lastly as a technical buyer.
I grew up as an atheist, becoming a follower of Christ at the age of 26 years. You can read my testimony on our testimonies page if you’re interested.
So what do I do?
As well as a Minister I serve the community of Long Eaton in any way I can. At the moment that means offering pastoral support to people, giving them the opportunity to talk things through, helping them where I can. Very often that means working in partnership with other churches, the council and schools.
Then of course, there’s the preaching which I do in church on a Sunday.
I must admit, I love my job and the people I meet.